Mission Statement of Ministry

The Fox Dimension is more than just a community to share your dreams and learn about kitsune. There is a much deeper spiritual side. One could even say it is a ministry.

Kitsune are depicted as being protectors and messengers of divine knowledge. In this respect I will share with all of you the deep inner meanings of Scripture from The Holy Bible. If you wanted to study about kitsune for knowledge and healing, there is no better instruction I could find than in the teachings of Christ Jesus.

Know that Fox Dimension is not tied to any one church nor denomination, neither could the teachings here fit clearly within any existing hierarchy. I find it very doubtful that any organized church would claim such a connection to these beings. These teachings would be those through the eyes of the fox, which in this case would be likened to an angelic being with command of the transversal of all dimensions. Here you will gain a perspective that is simply out of this world.

What does this mean? Look to 1 Corinthians chapter 2 verse 13-16 NLT.

{13 When we tell you these things, we do not use words that come from human wisdom. Instead, we speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit’s words to explain spiritual truths. 14 But people who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means. 15 Those who are spiritual can evaluate all things, but they themselves cannot be evaluated by others. 16 For,

“Who can know the Lord’s thoughts?
    Who knows enough to teach him?”

But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ.}

Are you a lost fox looking to find a place of rest? Did you always want to learn to become a devout Zenko kyuubi? Look no further!

Are you a Christian and find these statements to be heretical? I've only begun. Wait, there's more!

Jesus Christ, is he the spiritual leader of the foxes?

Christ will be the judge. It won't be any of us. I can think of none that the phrase “crazy like a fox” could fit better than Christ. He is the one whom spoke in mysterious parables and told his followers they must eat his flesh and drink his blood to enter the kingdom of God. He is also the one that simply breathed over a group of individuals and they suddenly began speaking in tongues. Jesus also taught in the temples while dressing down and making sport of the religious teachers of that era while intentionally breaking their traditions to trigger them. He pointed out point blank that their man-made traditions they used to show off their “holiness” were nothing to God. The things they held as holy were not found in Scripture and were mere eyesores to God.

In this context Jesus was like a devout Zenko kitsune among a bunch of field foxes whom thought themselves the authority on all things divinity. From their lack of divine knowledge (since they would have known better if they allowed the Holy Spirit to dwell within them to teach them) they simply made things up as they went along. Christ, like a true mythical fox of lore, punished them for their misbehavior and made them look as foolish as they truly were. He even drove some out of a temple with a whip for allowing religious commerce inside of the temple of God, like trying to mix fire and water. At another time he even healed the blind by merely spitting in the sand and rubbing it on a man's eyes. The religious teachers couldn't do this and even accused him of being in league with demons and commiting sorcery. I can think of little more foxy actions than these.

Am I saying Jesus was a kitsune kami? There’s no evidence to support this, though I do believe his actions qualify him to be a spiritual leader of foxes far greater than Inari or any little ‘g’ gods could have been.

So if you want to learn more, keep posted as I break down the teachings of Christ, the true God of the foxes in coming posts.

Stay foxy.

