Jarrett Constant Jarrett Constant

Forbidden food of the foxes

Behold! The taboo of raw fishy goodness.

Vegans, avert your eyes of the glory..

There are foods considered to be forbidden in our present culture. With the event of pasteurization, the idea of ingesting foods that have not been pasteurized is considered to be bizarre or taboo. There are very few exceptions to this that come to mind. Some examples we have are raw fruits, vegetables, and raw fish, such as sushi.

Cultured foods in Jars.

So what are these forbidden foods? Well, there are several.
There are fermented/cultured vegetables, drinks made from Kombucha and water Kefir, and milk products made from milk Kefir. These are all products that have to be made without pasteurization. For those that are unaware, pasteurization is a method of preserving foods by heating up foods and drinks until all the bacteria inside of them die off. While this is fantastic for shelf life, it is the proverbial “throw the baby out with the bath water” solution to food preservation. Just as a person can get sick by an overgrowth of certain bad bacteria, just like getting a food borne illness, there are bacteria that exist without negative effect in the body. These actually stand up like a firewall keeping the bad bacteria from multiplying enough to give you the ‘stomach bug.’ You might reason, “That’s not that weird. You can buy all the above from the store,” you might say. You ain’t getting this from no store! We're making our own at home. The reason being is that some producers of these products make the correct product at a very low potency then still pasteurize it before hitting shelves (killing almost the entire benefit people sought after from the product.) Then others still give you a living product, but it’s at a lower potency than homemade and often is extra vinegary or overly carbonated. This could be a plus for those that like the champaign cork experience, but you can get even more of that by learning to make your own at home.

Making your own unpasteurized and cultured foods in your own home is considered bizarre. There is some forbidden element to taking the processing of foods into your own hands. We have become accustomed to simply buying foods from a store or market, placing all our trust in whatever authority is supposed to guarantee food safety in your country (as if there still isn’t food and beverage recalls regardless of their best efforts). Another question you may ask, how is this linked to foxes?

I believe the kitsune at some point showed humanity how to ferment some foods to assist in living through long winters in the past. If you try reading up on the origins of these foods, there is no definite historical origin attributed to them. It does, however, fit the bill as something coming from benevolent, celestial hands. In addition, these foods create bacteria that are symbiotic to our human organism. They actually assist our bodies immune system by killing the kinds of bacteria that make you sick while giving the ability to break down foods more that simple digestion to absorb nutrients more readily. This means that you are not only more resistant to disease but you are getting more sustenance from the foods you are already eating. What’s more, these bacteria can even effect the ways we think. They make the harder to obtain feel good B vitamins that relax our nerves and even make us desire to eat more healthy foods (more likely because the bacteria in question want it) and desire to eat junk foods less. Don’t take it from me, though. I have no certified medical credentials, but there are plenty that do that have commented about the above effects. These medical type groups also like to say information is inconclusive, but tradition and people’s testimonials, a.k.a. eye witness accounts, shows the impacts on their lives to be substancial.

Sounds too good to be true? It's not! Sounds crazy? Crazy like a human! Doing this makes you as smart as the foxes, though they may not agree with this statement.. It will make you feel smart, though, once you radically change your eating habits for the better and don't get sick as often.

Kombucha Scoby in Jar

My Testimonial:

Want my testimonial? Sure. I had always felt a weakness in my legs with brain fog and knew within myself that there was something missing. I began a personal journey to find out what that ‘something’ was. I was studying about ancient home remedies and medicines, being a lot of Daniel Vitalis early work, and came across Kombucha as being one of these from another source. I normally sought out whatever had purported high benefits with very little money and effort involved, the more highly discredited by establishment, the better. Since this fit perfectly within it, as the general verdict being that it was generally regarded safe to drink with inconclusive health benefits; it would be worth trying. So I did, much to my parents skeptical minds. I followed the instructions given by Donna Schwenk from Cultured Food Life and made my first black tea Kombucha. I freaked out a bit over making sure there wasn’t any mold growing on it and that it was safe to drink, as just about everyone does when first making their own. After drinking it every few days based on the fermentation cycle, I noticed I felt a little better after drinking it. In the aspect of my mood generally improving. I’m guessing this is an effect of either pure B vitamins or whatever mind altering effects the bacteria themselves have on a person’s gut. I also noticed my sweat became more putrid for the first 2 weeks and I could only drink like a literal cup and a half of it at a time. It would force me to urinate more often and my kidneys would burn if I didn’t drink enough water and cut back on Kombucha intake. Then after my first month of it I could pretty well drink all I wanted of it. As I drank this I noticed my skin cleared up, I had more energy in general, and a little more strength back into my legs without the brain fox. This was a big deal to me, and I kept at it learning new ways to second ferment the drink. I even got to where I could make a substantial enough alcoholic version of Kombucha that I found to be almost like a cross between a beer and a daiquiri. My verdict? Bottoms up! After my parents noticed that it didn’t kill me and drank it so often, even they started drinking it with me.

Which of these do I believe were given by foxes? I think that Kombucha and Kimchi were inspired by foxes because they are sweet and spicy. Both things are considered to be favorable to the diet of the spiritual kitsune. Why wouldn't you teach humans to make your favorite recipes? Maybe they will offer it to you at a makeshift shrine to fuel you up as you hop dimensions. Fermentation is also believed to be linked to the 5 element teaching of metal which is related to kitsune in general.

When I was first learning how to make Kombucha I did it by purchasing this peson’s DVD and following the steps. If you would like to take the same journey I did, you can find this section of the DVD free on Youtube to view. All content is, of course, property of Donna Schwenk’s Cultured Food Life. See below.

What was my recipe for this Kombucha? Get a box of Lipton's cold brew black teabags and a bag of brown sugar. Boil 2 quarts spring water, turn off the heat, then add 1 cup of dark brown sugar. Stir until dissolved. Now take atleast 3 tea bags and leave in to steep until room temperature. Now take clean hands and ring out the bags through clenched fist twice and then add to a glass gallon jar with lid.

Leave on a table top for about 5 days, depending on temperature of the room you leave it. You must already have a Kombucha scoby floating in a gallon jar with starter culture. If you don’t have one you can purchase them online. If you are a fox that doesn't want to wait that long for your savory drink, use a chi generator to infuse chi into your brew. It will often finish in 3 days and be more bubbly. Later on I will post an article about the use of chi generators in fermentation and, well, magic!

Still not foxy enough for you? Take a flip top bottle and fill halfway with the fruit juice of your choice. You can even use an energy drink if you really want zip. Now pour in finished Kombucha for a second ferment. Now wait another 3 days while burping the bottle. Now you have a mildly alcoholic drink for foxes 21 and older to enjoy responsibly.

Want to learn even more recipes? Now you are just getting greedy! But I guess it's fine… check out Donna Schwenk's website www.culturedfoodlife.com there you can find tons of recipes. I recommend scrolling through the testimonials page to learn all about how these foods have changed people’s lives.

Stay foxy.

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Jarrett Constant Jarrett Constant

The Nogitsune

From Japan-Avenue.com

“Among the most popular types of Kitsune are the Myobu and the Nogitsune.

  • The Myôbu are benevolent Kitsune linked to the celestial element and to the deity Inari. Meeting them is a sign of good omen.

  • Related to the void element, the Nogitsune are particularly mischievous, but not necessarily malicious. However, be careful not to attract their anger.”

There are two primary types of kitsune depicted. They are the Zenko, also known as Myobu, above. These are celestial foxes that have aligned themselves to some form of patron god or goddess, in this example, Inari. Then there is the nogitsune. The Nogitsune are not affiliated with any form of deity. Since they are not aligned to any other being’s form of ethical codes, they tend to follow their own. Just like humanity, people’s ideals vary greatly from person to person, so too with the nogitsune. They are free to do whatever they want, however they want, to whomever they want. This can quickly lead to mischief. Just think of a group of supernatural teenagers with mystical powers with no authority to hold them down or suppress their tendencies. This is the nogitsune. They are not necessarily good nor evil, but they are likened to the void because they must also provide for their own appetite of prenatal chi.

What is prenatal chi? As a quick recap, this is the finite energy that is given to you at birth and once it runs out, you pass into the next life. It is the anchor that keeps you tied to this life and dimension. One could easily assume that a kitsune’s command of this energy is what allows them to slip through space and time and access plains of existence outside the reach of most.

Since the nogitsune can’t depend on any god or goddess to provide this energy to them, they often make deals with other beings or create some form of trickery to steal it from humans. Does this make nogitsune evil? Hardly. If a starving thief has to resort to subterfuge to steal bread for themselves and their family so that they don’t die, is this the act of some evil demonic being deserving of immediate death? It’s a question to ask yourself. If you have encountered such a being as Thquin in the Kitsune Encounters page story, a nogitsune may offer a pleasurable time in exchange for some prenatal chi. In this story, once asked to leave, it simply said that it couldn’t. Probably because it might die if it were separated from its sole source of energy. He then built a shrine to Inari to ask for the goddess to accept this kitsune into their lot, and so it left. An exorcism wasn’t even needed. It would have been like handing a plane ticket to some foreigner so they can return home. They didn’t necessarily want to stay at your home, but for lack of any home, it was all they could do.

As far as specific powers of the nogitsune, it’s mostly related to their freedom. They can do anything they want, provided they have the energy to back it up. These are related to the void as they are constantly needing to intake energy as it is not being freely given to them. If you energetically were able to see their aura they may appear as a swirling void. The cost of their freedom is that they must do anything they can do under their own power to get ‘food.’ If they are very proficient at getting it, there is no ancient little ‘g’ god that can tell them that any fox magic be off the table or illegal. In this case their powers are likened to that of primordial dragons of legend, yet in a much smaller package. With abilities ranging from possession, control of fox fire, telekinesis, levitation, telepathy, ability to manipulate time and space while creating infinite illusions. They are a very formidable force. Though in reality, most won’t attain this status as it is too hard for them to procure the energy. There is also too much competition for the same said energy as it isn’t just the kitsune kami of ancient lore that needs it. In modern times they would more likely be like the fox that the person above encountered.

Hopefully this has shed some light on the nogitsune. There are historical examples of nogitsune, the foremost I know of being that of Tamamo no Mae. While I won’t retell it here, check it out as the above mentioned site The Kitsune: Meaning, Types & Powers | Japan Avenue (japan-avenue.com)

Have more questions about the nogitsune? Ask me in Discord or Reddit! This article was written as a request from Discord in General. Ask, and just maybe, you shall receive.

Stay Foxy.

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Jarrett Constant Jarrett Constant

Decoding Dreams

Our dreams show us things about ourself, our world, and the dimensions throughout. Understanding and interpreting these dreams is a veritable gift from God at a certain level. The real catch, however, is remembering our dreams once they happen.

In Episode 2 of my podcast, The Spirits Within, I give an analogy to how the heroine Dr. Aki Ross is motivated in pursuit of dreams she received in the movie Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within.

The very first scene is of her going through and recording her persistent dream of another world in war. Her ship had some mechanism to record and play back her dreams. In this you could assume she was studying them to gain knowledge on how she could defeat the invading Phantoms on her planet. She thinks these dreams are guiding her where to look to find the 8 spirits needed to overcome them.

You may think, “what a novel idea to record your dreams to study them later.” That’s right! Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could?

There was a scientist in the 90s that said he developed a means to do just that; record our dreams and play then back onto a computer. This was, unfortunately, not long before his death. This man was Dr. Marcel Vogel. He is the inventer of a specific cut of crystal that bares his name, the Vogel Cut Crystal. What’s more, he designed an entire system around it to use them as a kind of personal, hand held computer that could both download and upload information directly from our minds.

Sounds ‘out of this world?’ We’re just getting started!

Remember, the Fox Dimension is where thinking like a fox isn't crazy. Vogel wasn't insane. I’ve dedicated years of my life studying the use of this cut of crystal and I believe that recording your dreams with these allowing playback is not only possible, but doable. While it is beyond my current skill set to make a way to slot a crystal into a computer to play a dream back, meditating and transferring information is. This is why i’m launching a room in my Discord just for using the Vogel Cut crystal for the study of recording and playing back dreams.

Want to get involved? Just go to our homepage, scroll to the bottom, and sign into Discord to join in. I’ve added descriptions of two dreams I had (that I had no memory of having) on Discord under dream records.

I know your next question would be, “how do I do this?” It's not all that difficult. First you will need to purchase a Vogel cut crystal or at least a natural 6 sided crystal that is not cracked or heavily included. The more it looks like glass would, the better it functions to hold memory. You could try an obelisk or pentagonal cut crystal. A pentagonal type crystal would be like the rupee from the Legend of Zelda franchise. In my experience even lab grown crystals can work but will need treatment to heal and reconnect where the sliver of natural crystal is seeded to grow the rest of the crystal around it. I would advise using a crystal that has 6 sides or more. Can be any color or clear. Just make sure it is quartz and not glass.

Once you have your crystal you need to heal it from the trauma of being mined. Think of it like blunt force trauma from being smaked off a wall. According to Dr. Marcel's teaching you take the crystal and rotate it clockwise in your right hand until it feels “sticky” in your hand. This doesn't mean dirty. It is an effect of electro magnetism between your fingers and the crystal. You can check the stick effect by holding the crystal horizontal in your left hand and running your right hand's finger on the body of the crystal while slowly breathing in and focusing on the crystal mentally. If you don’t mentally focus on the crystal it will not generate the stick effect.

After you confirmed the stick you know your energy field is imprinted on the crystal into a sympathetic vibration. Now information transfer is possible. At this point you close your eyes and create the image of crystal in your mind and slowly breathe in and out. You make within yourself the genuine feeling of love and wellbeing and project it into this crystal. Sensitive people will be able to feel a shift of energy and the pulsing of energy through it following the ebb and flow of your breathe.

Once you ‘know’ the crystal is full and pulsing with love you then pulse your breathe. Vogel taught to do this huffing through his nostrils. I know from experience you can also do this through your mouth like a very minor kiai, the spiritual shout as in the practice of Karate. I noticed the nostril method is more yin, while the mouth is more yang.

Through pulsing the breathe you cause a change in the crystal that helps align the energy inside of it to focus better. Think of trying to climb a ladder with broken rungs every few steps. By doing this you are snapping the energetic latices back into place. This can be repeated as many times as you feel necessary to achieve harmony inside its internal latices.

Now that you have the crystal healed you format it to your mind. Doing this entails rotating the crystal again in your hand until you achieve the ‘stick’ and then pulse your breathe back into it. Now you meditate with the crystal by slowly breathing in and out while focusing your mind with the image of the crystal. As you breathe in and out you see energy in your mind flowing through the crystal from the smaller, more obtuse angle moving through the crystal and flowing out the tip, or more acute angle. Once you do this until it takes no mental strain to see it and you feel a pulse or vibration inside the crystal coinciding with your heart’s beat; you have achieved basic formatting.

You might think of this like taking a flash drive and formatting it Fat32 or some other format. Until the crystal is made to carry the mental emissions of your mind it's like trying to save on a flash drive that hasn't been formatted to anything. There is no information exchange otherwise.

Once formatted you take the crystal and focus on the tip. You imagine that through your mind’s eye that you see a golden triangle of light which you ‘know’ is the crystal tip. You then see yourself as a physical body walk into this crystal tip as if it were a temple and then ‘know’ that your mind is connected through it.

If you have studied kuji in you are liking the Zai meridian of your body into the tip of the crystal. This way when you astrally project or simply dream you know that information is being linked in real time to the crystal. You make it clear in your mind that this crystal is recording just your dreams with the intention you can read them back to yourself after the dream.

You know have a vessel that can hold dreams. After a night or two take the crystal into your hand and meditate with it. As you focus back into it in one hand let your imagination flow. You will slowly get images. You may think you are making it up. This is normal. Just try playing with it like a child would making up their own story. I recommend trying to write or type out what you see. Once you start seeing images the link is made so you can put the crystal down and be free to write. At this point you don't have to hold the crystal. You are already linked.

Once you have gathered what you want from the crystal and want to stop recording, go back mentally into the crystal and see yourself walking back out of the crystal temple and shutting the doors. You then ‘know’ that you have broken the connection of recording to the crystal. This is just a suggestion for visualization. You can make any visualization of the same phenomenon as long as it makes sense to you. It's about how your mind works and how you personally understand things.

The last step is then to go to our homepage and sign into Discord to share your dreams on the dream-records server of The Fox Dimension. I have put a description of two dreams I had recorded through using a small Vogel cut crystal to view.

If you are having trouble still using the crystal you can ask questions on the Vogel crystal server.

Stay foxy.

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Jarrett Constant Jarrett Constant

Kuji In Concepts

The kuji in system is a method of mapping out the energy vertices in our bodies as it ascends from a place below our feet to about 3 inches above our heads. This may sound similar to the Chakra system. That is because it is. While not exactly the same; it is just another mapping of the same phenomenon.

The 9 kuji in are Rin, Byo, Toh, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, and Zen.

See the Nine Basic Kuji In mudras.

While there are variations in spellings and terminology within this system; the basis is always the same. Each one is referred to as being a meridian, (execpt for Zen) which is where spiraling energy vertices in the body intersect. These intersections work like a battery where a positive field touches a negative electrostatic field. This then ramps up the rotation of that spiral until it reaches the next meridian. Once it hits the next meridian an increase in frequency is attained that then correlates to the next kuji seal. It then repeats this until it meets up to about 3 inches above your head culminating into the final, Zen seal.

Rin is the the first meridian of the body. It pulls energy from the earth through the soles of your feet and ends at about the middle of your thighs. Color frequency ranges from black to a dark red. Where it intersects to byo it is a bright red. This is where your body pulls energy into itself from outside sources. Chiefly this is the earth itself by contact of the soles of your feet to, well, the earth. This meridian covers the biggest area of all the rest, and rotates the slowest. This is related to vitality in the body, just like the roots of a tree that anchor it firmly on the earth and draw in nutrients from the soil.

Byo is the second meridian. It begins where the thighs end and it climbs up into your pelvis. The intersection with Toh is where your stomach begins and stops below the navel. Byo is a dark orange to ultra light tone. This energy is the one associated with the tail bone and sexual organs. Its basis is within the pelvis itself. Think of it like a giant tuning fork, taking energies that radiated and spun so slowly from Rin and push it upwards like a sprouting seed from the earth. This orange light promotes your body’s metabolism and hunger, and also helps manage it. The basis of kitsune fire also centers from here as it attaches to the tail-bone.

The third meridian is Toh. It starts right underneath the navel and ends on the lower part of the rib cage. Toh is a is a dark blue to light blue until it mixes with greener hues where it meets the next meridian. The intersection with Sha happens where the rib cage fuses in the middle of the chest. This energy is tied to the emotional energetic body. It is like the energetic battery of the body. If you think of the stomach as being like a churning battery, holding and breaking down foods into energy; it makes sense. If you need to stabilize emotions or fill emotionally drained focus here.

Sha is the fourth meridian. It begins just above the fusing of the ribs and ends between the pectoral muscles. It is a brown tint and raises until it becomes a golden hue. The intersection with Kai happens right above the nipples where colors then shift to a higher scale of frequency. Sha is the body’s ability to hold stedfast onto the connection between energy and physical matter. It regulates between energetic and physical. If you focus here to make it strong, it helps resist outside influences entering your energetic body to effect the physical body. If you want energy to enter in and effect your phsyical, this is the most accessible doorway. Careful attention needs to be taken to protect this area as it is a primary point of possession of outside forces. This area seals down Rin, the gathering and anchoring of energy, Byo, the raising and purifying of that energy, and Toh, the collecting holding of that energy into your emotional body. In this way Sha is like a lesser Zen, holding these fundamentals in check.

Kai is the fifth meridian. It has an opaque, milky white color until it ascends into a clear ghost like flame of hollow white. This goes from above the breasts and ends right below the upper middle notch of the clavicle bone. It intersects with Jin at the hole of the clavicle that begins the adam’s apple. The color at intersection begins to be a very light lavender. This is where energy begins to process to prepare itself to project and receive outside our bodies. It is our spirit reflecting upon itself and is related to spiritual communications. If you are reviewing your dreams in self reflection, focus here.

Jin is the sixth meridian. It begins at the adam’s apple and ends where the lower jaw meets the upper jaw. It intersects with Retsu at a thin line between the upper jaw and below the nose. The color goes from lavender to a dark purple. This is where outward communication happens spiritually. It also represents your body’s ability to decipher and push out foreign energy frequencies. It is a discerning force, able to take in information and push out information. This can also translate to your body’s energetic ability to resist disease and energies that do harm.

Retsu is the seventh meridian. It is a light purple to a swirling black hue. Retsu begins at the tip of the nose and ends at the notch between your eyes. It intersects Zai at the brow where the color turns again to a metallic golden color. Retsu if your perception of the spiritual world. When you astral travel, this is the means. It is related to electricity. Think of how a lightning bolt pierces the dimensions of the heavens to the earth in an instant. It can open up spiritual doorways and portals. Focus here if you are trying to close or open energy portals or manage outside energies in general.

Zai is the eighth seal. As a meridian it is a straw gold until it becomes a silver color at the top of the head. It begins at the center of the forehead and ends at the very top of the head. It intersects Zen at about an inch above the head. Zai is tied directly to the third eye. Just like there is fire in Byo that purifies and protects the vital energies of procreation in our bodies, the fire of Zai protects our third eye that allows us to manipulate the spiritual planes of existence as a whole energetic body, a whole spiritual being. Zai is also another prominent location for possession to occur. Hence the necessity of fire. When kinds and queens wore gold crowns, they were adding power to this meridian.

Zen is the ninth seal. It is not a meridian. It is actually the fullness of charge of every meridian below that forms into an egg shape encompassing the wholeness of the body. It is the crowning achievement of all meridians working in perfect harmony. This is why it is called ‘zen.’ This phenomenon begins at 3 inches above the head and typically ends 3 feet around the body. The size of the aura constantly fluctuates as one inhales and exhales, among other factors. The color of this seal depends on the characteristics of the individual and various outside influences.

These are the 9 kuji in. This gives the basic concepts of the kuji in. If you know the Chakra system this is enough to correlate between the two. Many things are similar, but not identical. Kuji in focuses mostly on personal spiritual power than cultivation of ethical philosophy of ‘oneness’ nor bringing the world to higher vibrations. It was developed as a means of generating power to use kuji kiri, a form of Exorcism and spell casting to banish evil forces in this current dimension.

Below are some of my thoughts over my experiences with the Kuji In and how it works over the years. These are my opinions through practice over more than a decade. Take it for what you will.

My Musings of the 9 Seals:

Another key difference is that while advocates of the present 7 Chakra system profess to open up their energy vertices, the kuji in teaches to build up then seal off these energies. This is because there are entities that wish to attach and steal your energies as parasites. On YouTube, for instance, they play frequencies to meditate along with for opening up your energy vertices of the body. When you enter into a group meditation you are opening up to outside influences of that group on a public forum. I’d advise against using these as you should either meditate in private or with a group of trusted individuals. Who knows what entities you are opening doorways into your body for while doing these public meditations while voluntarily trying your hardest to expose yourself to everyone and everything in ‘oneness.’

You may have realized that there is no specific green meridian shown in the seals. When this is open, it is the primary means of entities entering the body as it connects with the pace maker of the heart. In kitsune lore, possession happens through the fingernails and into the breasts, both connected to this green pacemaker energy vertex. This area is off limits within the kuji in system and is protected by using the next higher and lower frequencies instead. I would advise discretion in using the presented heart chakra opening exercises in this context and use these instead.

Consider this. The pacemaker of the heart generates the rhythm and vitality of blood flow. In sacrificial practices it is about shedding blood. The blood carries the vital energies of the body. Because of this dynamic, anything attaching to this energy vertex can siphon energy directly from the whole of your body. If you were a parasite that wanted blood, or the energy of it, where would you choose to connect?

In the 7 Chakra system it ends on their version of the crown meridian. It is purple and is said to connect to ‘the universe’ and higher conciousness, along with the pineal gland. While this is a connecting, receptive energy, in the kuji in this is Zai which is a radiant, fiery, yang energy that expands out in all directions. The one below this is Retsu, which is far closer to this version of crown chakra but is negatively charged like a lightning bolt piercing and perceiving dimensions. Neither one is this crown. Jin is related to communication and resistance to disease and external influences, located even further down into the throat.

There are also ‘psychic’ vampires/parasites that instead choose to gather energies behind emotions. These can also hang around the heart and also the crown.

Why is this so different? Kuji in seeks to protect, project, and seal off. The pineal gland, or third eye, is another primary connection point to all things around us. It is the second most prevalent point where possession and psychic influence can occur. Research closing of the third eye to know more. In this case the crown is divided amongst 3 frequencies to protect itself while still being open to perceive. This is why it is different. It is to protect us from outside influences that would harm us while expanding out into space and time. We then go one further to Zen. Here we pull our own meridians into balance within itself and seal it in the generated auric field.

While one opens you up to be influenced, the other protects while expanding consciousness to view all.

Think I am wrong? Tell me about it on our Discord off the bottom of the homepage!

If anyone is curious, on this website you will see a red and black color scheme. This is to stimulate the Rin meridian which stokes your passion, vitality, and sense of identity. Think creative freedom. This first meridian is the foundation of all energy of the body, and should be the strongest. This isn't to feed ego, as ego is an excess or stagnation of passion until it becomes soley self serving and malignant. Only through a healthy base can we ascend our consciousness into the higher dimensions to gain higher knowledge.

This article is still being added onto and I will make more advanced teaching on this subject as time allows.

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article Jarrett Constant article Jarrett Constant

Seven Rings in Hand

What did “seven rings in hand, all wonders under command” really mean?

“Make believes reborn
Myths in mind re thought
Question all that's known
Legends blurred and torn”


Quizzically this song written by Runblebee and performed by Steve Conte for Sonic and the Secret Rings back in 2007 still ‘rings’ through our minds in 2023. But why?


Let’s go back to what Sonic and the Secret Rings was. It was a Sonic The Hedgehog game brought to the Wii allowing you to produce movement to guide Sonic through a magical book with the then brand new Wii remote. It wasn’t just any book, but that depicting the 1001 Arabian Night’s tales. To rescue this fairytale land from oblivion, Sonic must collect the seven World Rings to keep the evil Erazor Djinn from erasing the stories from existence. For more synopsis on what the original depicted visit Seven Rings In Hand | Sonic Wiki Zone | Fandom


This being set aside, let’s view this through the fox’s eyes. (These have been put in an order to make the narrative make more sense.)


Make believes reborn
Myths in mind re thought
Question all that's known
Legends blurred and torn”


  Seven rings in hand represents control of the 7 chakras in the body, which we know through acupressure can, in fact, be controlled through just one single hand.


 The chorus could be reconstructed to mean that we must question all that’s known because our legends have been blurred and torn over the ages. These myths from the torn and blurred pages must be reconsidered to rebirth them into our reality.


 “No such thing as fate for those who speed
A path out of time instead of just living it
So many things erased before they begin
Hopes un-dream instead of what could have been”


Our future hasn’t been predetermined nor erased for those that can move through time and space. Instead of only looking at our physical reality that we live in today, we can go see things for ourselves through dream like states and astral traveling. If we don’t do this, our dreams become null, and we never accomplish what ‘could have been.’


“Fortune fades like words in the sand
Just like that it nothing it all just seems
Nothing it all just seems

Fortune shines with seven in hand
Back to fact make real of all that seems
Make real of all that seems”


Because we didn’t access knowledge through our dreams of the past; we are unfortunate.

Since we didn’t venture into the unknown to find ourselves, everything just ‘seems.’ Nothing feels real to us, like every word from our mouth, our history, is dry, empty sand. (Sand being a barren soil that can’t nourish anything but be an irritation to our skin.) Here then things turn. Now that we have the command of the 7 chakras in hand, we go back to reality through our dream time to make ‘real’ to us this fairy tale past.

“Be it all the same; it's never the same
Just like that, it's nothin' it all just means
Nothin' it all just means
If all as is, then it's never as is
Back to fact, make real of all that seems
Make real of all that seems”

Through the practice of going through our dreams; they stay in our mind even while awake, as if we are in a trance. Suddenly the fairy tales we had only imagined before became real to us. Things no longer just ‘seem’, but we ‘know’ within ourselves that this is something that happened. This is not mere chance.

“Seven rings in hand speed through nights with feet in sand
Seven rings in hand wonders all under command (c'mon!)
Seven rings in hand wild with just one single hand
Seven rings in hand arrowed hearts catch fire now”


Now that we have the 7 chakras under our command, we can speed through the night while traversing the void of time and space, literally running through the ‘sands of time.’ What wonders are now under our command! Our hearts fill with passion and our sacred fires burn with excitement (think the sacral Chakra.)

“No such thing as an arrow through who dreams
Hopes may burden but forever last to give in
So many things need a push or pull to begin
Unfree to move unless another hand gets in”

You are still dreaming, so you're not yet dead. (The arrow in your heart is an inspiration, not a death sentence.) Your hopes from your dreams may become a passion that constantly burns within you. It has become a burden within your very soul to fulfill. Your hopes and ideas are eternal; they forever last so they can be accomplished another day. There are so many things that are close to manifesting. Sometimes all it takes is a little push to begin, but remains captive until another person comes in to help ‘push’ it along.

“Be it all the same; it's never the same
Just like that, it's nothin' it all just means
Nothin' it all just means
If all as is, then it's never as is
Back to fact, make real of all that seems
Make real of all that seems”

No matter how hard you try; you can’t un-see what you have now seen. What was once just fairy tale nonsense has ‘made sense.’ We question if our current reality was ever real to begin with. Is our current life the dream, and was the fairy tale the reality? Let’s figure out what’s really ‘real’ so we can keep it real.


“Make believes reborn
Myths in mind re thought
Question all that's known
Legends blurred and torn

Seven seas in hand
Speed of sound through sands
All our hopes and plans
In one single hand”


With our energetic bodies in alignment we can now reconsider the myths of all through new eyes. We must question everything we have ever known since we took command again of our energies. We can find all our hopes and plans, because it is now ‘at hand.’


This song has been much celebrated even though it was originally created for a children’s video game. I hope this review will bring ‘new eyes to see and ears to hear’ so it will continue to ring in our heads for another 16 years, and beyond.

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