Welcome to the Fox Dimension. Our dimension is home to the legendary kitsune kami. As a portal to their divine intellect, you can learn their abilities to venture out through the celestial planes of existence and record your experiences. What life lessons and psychic abilities will you bring back to this dimension? Remember, this is the only place where thinking like a fox isn’t crazy.

Join our Discord Below.

Here you will find information, articles, and podcasts about everything foxy. What does that en-tail? I teach how to decode hidden messages in popular media, music, and art. I instruct in the use of Dr. Marcel Vogel’s Vogel Cut crystals, chi manipulation, Karl Welz’s Chi Generators and Orgonite, as well as I Ching divination. Learn about the Kuji In, Kuji Kiri Exorcism, how to record your dreams and much more! Unleash the power of your inner passion and creativity while burning away all those phantoms of negativity that haunt you. Free yourself and come join us in our dimension and learn the ways of the fox.

Are you an artist that loves to draw the kitsune kami? You could have your art featured here on Fox Dimension! Simply drop me a message in our Discord below in site-development with a link to some of your work.

Are you a ghost hunter or simply think you have come into contact with the mythical kitsune kami and want to share your experiences? Let us know about it! Contact me in the Discord widget below.

While you can always listen to our podcast above from our site under podcast, you can also listen from Spotify!

In my podcast and in writing I make a lot of references to various scientists, doctors, and the list goes on. Since most of these are not widely known about, I created a page that has links to more information about all of them.

Cross into our dimension


Cross into our dimension -